CIWM PAS 100 Review response - January 2018

NIC Vision priorities consultation - January 2018

CIWM evidence to EAC China waste import ban - response due 19 January 2018

Environment Agency: charge proposals from April 2018 – closed 26 January 2018

Environment Agency: Enforcement and Sanctions policy – closed 29 January 2018

C&D waste under WFP and COR - Ireland - February 2018

CIWM response tackling hidden economy: public sector licensing - March 2018 

CIWM Cymru Crime and poor performance - March 2018

CIWM Defra Waste Crime (final) response - March 2018

CIWM Health and Harmony: the future for food, farming and the environment in a Green Brexit - April 2018

CIWM Cymru Planning Policy Wales: Edition 10 - May 2018

CIWM Scotland: SEPA - Landfill Sector Plan - May 2018

HM Treasury: Tackling the plastic problem - call for evidence - May 2018

CIWM Scotland Centre response - Scottish Government consultation on the proposal to ban the manufacture and sale of plastic-stemmed cotton buds in Scotland - May 2018

CIWM written submission to EAC - Environmental Principles and Governance consultation inquiry - August 2018

CIWM Defra - Modification to the Code of Practice on Litter and Refuse: guidance on effective enforcement - June 2018

CIWM response: standard rules consultation No 17 - MCP and generators - June 2018

CIWM response: Plastic Packaging Recycling Strategy for Ireland 2018 - 2030 - June 2018

CIWM Scotland response: Scottish Government Discussion Paper: Developing an Environment Strategy for Scotland - June 2018

CIWM Scotland response: Scottish Government Consultation on a Deposit Return Scheme for Scotland - June 2018

CIWM response on public consultation on the Evaluation of the 7th Environment Action Plan - July 2018

CIWM response: Defra Principles & Governance after EU exit - August 2018

CIWM response: NRW: standard rules No 14 medium combustion plant and specified generators - August 2018

CIWM response: Defra: Clean Air Strategy 2018 - August 2018

CIWM response: Household Duty of Care - updated guidance for householders on meeting the Duty of Care and new guidance for English local authorities on issuing proposed fixed penalty notices - August 2018

CIWM response: Defra: proposals to ban the distribution and/or sale of plastic straws, plastic stemmed cotton buds and plastic drink stirrers in England - December 2018

CIWM Ireland response: EPA proposed guidance for Article 27 - Soil and Stone December 2018