Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate

Become a ‘technically competent person’ to manage a waste site.


To meet the requirements of the CIWM (WAMITAB) Operator Competence Scheme, technically competent people must demonstrate primary competence by completing a qualification, units and/or training programme(s) which demonstrate they have the knowledge and skills to ensure waste sites comply with Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations.

The Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate (EPOC) is a two-day training programme held by CIWM with a short multiple choice question test at the end. The training uses a range of presentations, discussions, case studies and exercises to ensure that you are technically competent and know how to comply with an environmental permit.

The EPOC can be used as evidence of technical competence for low risk sites according to the risk tier table or to gain a 12 month grace period for new permit applications during which you can undertake the relevant 6 or 12 unit qualification (not applicable to landfill).

What’s in it for me?

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • understand the systems required to protect the environment and ensure compliance with an environmental permit
  • understand how to assess the environmental impact of work activities and how this can be minimised
  • identify your responsibilities and appropriate actions in a range of potential scenarios to comply with the permit
  • understand the regulatory framework and policies relevant to waste and resource management facilities
  • understand the legislation and policies relevant to responsibilities within the waste and resource management industry
  • understand the hazardous waste requirements
  • know the main requirements of health and safety legislation in the waste and resource management industry
  • understand the hazards, risks, control measures and monitoring associated with a waste and resource management environment

Who should attend?

Technically competent Managers (TCM)
Site Manager and Supervisors
People applying for an environmental permit from the Environment Agency or Natural Resources Wales

Book a scheduled course

Scheduled courses are ideal for individuals interested in training. Please click your preferred date and location below and book online.

Course TitleStart DateEnd DateLocation
Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate08/04/202509/04/2025BoltonEPOCAPR25
Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate14/05/202515/05/2025NorthamptonEPOCMAY25
Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate18/06/202519/06/2025NorthamptonEPOCJUN25
Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate08/07/202509/07/2025BoltonEPOCJUL25
Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate06/08/202507/08/2025NorthamptonEPOCAUG25
Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate16/09/202517/09/2025NorthamptonEPOCSEP25
Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate14/10/202515/10/2025BoltonEPOCOCT25
Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate11/11/202512/11/2025NorthamptonEPOCNOV25
Environmental Permitting Operators Certificate10/12/202511/12/2025NorthamptonEPOCDEC25

Arrange in company team training at your location

To explore our in company offering for groups of people, please contact the training team on 01604 620426 or email training@ciwm.co.uk.

Explore e-learning options

Currently we don’t have e-learning options for this course, view our current e-learning courses here. Alternatively, you can contact the Training Team on 01604 823342 or email training@ciwm.co.uk to discuss your needs.

Contact the Training Team: T: +44 (0)1604 823342   E: training@ciwm.co.uk
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