Duty of Care - Virtual Training


Waste Duty of Care applies to everyone who handles wastes, whether as a producer, carrier or waste management organisation.  This virtual training programme explores these obligations and how to comply with the Duty of Care Code of Practice. 

The programme gives a good opportunity to share a range of ideas and best practice examples from both tutors and others working in a variety of settings.

What's in it for me?
By the end of this programme participants will be able to:

  • Understand the key reasons why we have the Duty of Care requirements
  • Understand why the producer plays a fundamental role
  • Be aware of the current legislative requirements and what this means in practice
  • Appreciate how your Duty of care obligations relate to other controls
  • Know how to complete a Waste transfer/ information note
  • Be familiar with various sources of information including public registers and understand the role of auditing in helping to comply with your obligations

Who should participate?
This virtual training programme is for anyone currently dealing with their organisation’s waste and resources and anyone involved in the transport, handling, control. treatment or disposal of waste.   If you needs to understand your duty of care responsibilities or ensure the organisation is compliant with them.

Book your place on one of our upcoming virtual training programmes:
Course TitleStart DateEnd DateLocation
Duty of Care - Virtual Training Programme18/03/202525/03/2025 DOCMAR25
Duty of Care- Virtual Training Course08/05/202515/05/2025 DOCMAY25
Duty of Care- Virtual Training Course15/07/202522/07/2025 DOCJUL25
Duty of Care- Virtual Training Course18/09/202525/09/2025 DOCSEP25
Duty of Care- Virtual Training Course21/10/202528/10/2025 DOCOCT25
Duty of Care- Virtual Training Course20/11/202527/11/2025 DOCNOV25

Prefer to learn in a face-to-face environment?

In addition to our virtual courses and e-learning courses, we also run a variety of classroom-based training courses throughout the year.

Please note that, in line with government advice, all classroom-based courses scheduled to take place before September 2020 have been cancelled. Courses scheduled from September onwards will be reviewed in the coming weeks.