Guide to CPD
CIWM offers a broad range of courses for the waste of resources sector that are free to members and contribute to your Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
What is CPD?
CPD refers to the process of tracking and documenting the skills, knowledge and experience that you gain both formally and informally as you work, beyond any initial training. It is a record of what you experience, learn and then apply, adding value to your development.
How do I plan my CPD?
This is the most important part of your CPD as this should be linked to your aims such as being more confident in your job or promotion opportunities, being safer and up to date, or supporting colleagues. Identify your development needs by what do you need to know and then the steps to how to gain the knowledge/skill/experience required within a given timescale. Some organisations link personal CPD to the business aims and objectives.
Why do I have to keep a record?
It demonstrates organisational skills and professionalism and the records can be useful for interviews. Maintaining a record helps to embed learning and makes CPD more proactive and meaningful.
How can I keep records?
If you’re a CIWM member, these can be kept online via the Members area of CIWM website, or on an Excel spreadsheet downloaded here or on your own devised paperwork.
What kind of activities count towards CPD?
Training courses; meetings; site visits; conferences; research; authorships; a full selection is here. It is important that the activity is not just ‘doing your job’ but it's about learning and development.