22 May 2020
CIWM Briefing Note: This document draws on the latest guidance and understanding, and will be updated and reissued as appropriate.
Coronavirus update: UK waste management sector
1. COVID-19 legislation updates / recovery plans
2. Coronavirus testing for essential waste sector workers
3. Health & Safety information and guidance
4. Waste Collection and HWRCs
5. Regulation and Compliance
6. Business support schemes and announcements
7. Employment (apprenticeships and shortage occupation list consultation)
8. Public sector procurement
9. Planning Updates & Guidance
10. Transport and logistics
1. COVID-19 legislation updates / recovery plans
11.05.20 The government has published an updated FAQ to accompany its recovery plan for England, which sets out how the England plans to restart following the coronavirus outbreak.
Northern Ireland
12.05.20 The Northern Ireland Executive has published a five-stage plan for easing the Covid-19 lockdown in Northern Ireland. The plan does not include a detailed timetable but sets out indicative steps across different sectors for the relaxation of restrictions.
21.05.20 Scotland published recovery plan: Scottish Government has published Scotland’s Route map through and out of the crisis, providing details of a phased approach to lifting the current COVID-19 restrictions. The timetable includes plans to re-open HWRCs.
11.05.20 Scotland proposes Second Coronavirus (Scotland) Bill
Further emergency measures have been included in a new Bill to protect people facing financial hardship and allow public services to operate effectively. There are also recommended legislative changes in areas including non-domestic rates relief and the criminal justice system.
10.05.20 Updated advice on going outdoors
Scottish Government has changed the advice on going outdoors to allow people to exercise more than once a day. This activity should continue to take place close to home and should be undertaken alone or with members of the same household.
15.05.20 Welsh Government has published ‘Unlocking our society and economy: continuing the conversation’, a plan for easing COVID-19 restrictions. The plan does not provide a timetable but decisions will be based on the latest scientific advice and based on a traffic-light system for phased reductions over time.
30.04.20 The Welsh Government has updated COVID-19 stay-at-home regulations, changing the core requirement for people not to leave the place where they live to a requirement not to leave or remain away from that place. This is to help those with particular health problems or families with children with learning disabilities and autism in particular. There is also an update on closure of businesses and FAQs on what you and businesses can and cannot do.
Republic of Ireland
21.05.20 Ireland is now in Phase 1 of the Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business. The latest information, advice and guidelines is published here and will be updated daily
03.05.20 The Republic of Ireland Government (Taoiseach) has published a ‘Roadmap for reopening society and business’. The Roadmap sets out a staged, 5-phase approach to lifting COVID-19 restrictions, which will be rolled out between 18th May and the 10 August. The Taoiseach also announced 2 changes to the restrictions put in place to protect citizens all from the spread of COVID-19 that come into effect on the 5 May.
2. Coronavirus testing for essential waste sector workers
Anyone in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland experiencing a new, continuous cough, high temperature or a loss of or change in your normal sense of smell or taste can book a test by visiting www.nhs.uk/coronavirus . Those unable to access the internet can call 119 in England and Wales or 0300 303 2713 in Scotland and Northern Ireland to book a test.
If you’re an essential worker in England, Scotland or Northern Ireland, you can apply for priority testing through GOV.UK by following the guidance on testing for essential workers below. You can also get tested through this route if you have symptoms of coronavirus and live with an essential worker. These tests for essential workers are prioritised over the tests available for the wider public through the NHS. There is further information available on key worker testing in:]
· England
· Scotland
· Wales
· Northern Ireland
11.05.20 The Department for Health & Social Care has now digitised the process for booking Covid-19 tests. The self-referral portal enables individuals to book a test themselves. Alternatively, employers can refer staff using an employer portal and accounts for the portal can be requested by emailing portalservicedesk@dhsc.gov.uk. The self-referral and employer referral test booking routes are available for England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
11.05.20 Scottish Government has published a new prioritisation matrix for key workers to be tested for COVID-19 during the lockdown period.
13.05.20 Welsh Government has published a new testing strategy to test the public and trace the spread of coronavirus in Wales. The plan includes:
· increasing testing of critical workers to enable them to return to work
· a new system of home testing for the public if they have coronavirus symptoms
· a new app to track symptoms in the general population and contact others who have symptoms or have tested positive
3. Health & Safety information and guidance
The protection of both waste management workers and the general public means that it is essential that the highest levels of health and safety are observed, including providing adequate and hygienic washing facilities for personnel, updated risk assessments, deployment and use of appropriate PPE, and clear procedures in the event of a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 in the workforce.
15.05.20 The Waste Industry Safety & Health Forum COVID-19 information: WISH has issued the fifth version of their information note COVID19 and waste management activities. Changes from the last version, which are summarised at the top of each section for ease of reference, include:
· changes to reflect the changes recently made in HMG and devolved administration advice to the public and wider industry;
· updates to weblinks and references including links to HMG workplace advice documents;
· clarification on business vs specific task risk assessments, and including COVID-19 within risk assessment processes;
· further explanation and clarifications about face masks, RPE and face coverings; and
· ‘Return to work’ for vulnerable persons.
Northern Ireland
WISH(NI) has issued two COVID-19 advice documents for the waste management sector:
· COVID-19 and waste management activities (MRFs, Transport and CA sites)
· COVID-19 and waste management activities Sheet 2 Employee showing symptoms
In the coming days these and further documents will be available on the HSENI website or via the WISHNI LinkedIn page which is available at here.
Working Safely Guidance
UK government have now all issued guidance to help employers, employees and the self-employed understand how to work safely during the coronavirus pandemic
· England:
o Government guidance
o HSE guidance
· Wales:
o Government guidance
· Scotland
o Government guidance
· Northern Ireland
o Government guidance
o Trade Union guidance
· Republic of Ireland
o Government guidance
Social distancing and face covering guidance
· England
o Face covering guidance
o How to make a cloth face covering guidance
o Social distancing guidance
o Staying safe outside your home guidance
o Social distancing in the workplace guidance
· Scotland
o Face covering guidance
o Social distancing guidance
o Social distancing in the workplace guidance
· Wales
o Face covering guidance
o Social distancing guidance
o Social distancing in the workplace
· Northern Ireland
o Face covering guidance
o Social distancing guidance
o Social distancing in the workplace
· Republic of Ireland
o Face covering guidance
o Social distancing guidance
o Social distancing in the workplace guidance
Guidance on Legionella risks during the coronavirus outbreak
HSE has issued guidance to employers, the self-employed and people in control of premises, such as landlords, on their duty to identify and control risks associated with legionella. If your building was closed or has reduced occupancy during the coronavirus outbreak, water system stagnation can occur due to lack of use, increasing the risks of Legionnaires’ disease. See here for more information.
4. Waste Collection & HWRCs
Household Waste Recycling Centres
21.05.20 Scotland published recovery plan: Scottish Government has published Scotland’s Route map through and out of the crisis, providing details of a phased approach to lifting the current COVID-19 restrictions. The timetable includes plans to re-open HWRCs.
13.05 20 England amends COVID-19 Regulations to allow trips to HWRCS
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 have been amended today to clarify that a visit to a waste or recycling centre is a reasonable excuse for a journey outside the home. A copy of the amending regulations is can be found here.
14.05.20 Welsh Government amends COVID-19 Regulations to allow trips to HWRCS
The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2020 have been amended to facilitate the reopening of HWRCs. A copy of the amending regulations can be found here
HWRC Guidance
05.05.20 The Department for the Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) has published guidance on Managing Household Waste Recycling Centres during the Coronavirus Pandemic. A supporting video was made available on social media which can be found here and a Government press release. Local Government Minister Simon Clarke and Environment Minister Rebecca Pow also wrote to councils urging them to re-open household waste and recycling centres where it is safe to do so, while managing social distancing requirements. The letter can be accessed here
04.05.20 NAWDO and other local authority network groups published detailed advice on the reopening of HWRCs which is available here.
Waste PPE
19.05.20 Government and sector bodies issue public messaging to stop PPE in recycling
Addressing rising concern about PPE appearing in recycling materials streams, Defra has published social media content on the disposal of PPE from non-healthcare settings. The content includes a video to highlight the correct disposal of PPE for members of the public, including the key message to dispose of PPE in black-bag waste and not to recycle it. This content can be shared with your networks.
· Twitter
· LinkedIn
· Facebook
A coalition of industry bodies including CIWM also issued a letter to the general public through the media today with further messages about the safe disposal of non-healthcare PPE which can be viewed here
Waste Collection Prioritisation
08.04.20 Defra has issued guidance on waste collection prioritisation to assist local authorities.
15.04.20 Welsh Government has issued a non-statutory guidance note for service priority.
Healthcare waste management
See up to date list of Regulatory Position Statements in Section 5
09.04.20 NHS England has issued guidance on the waste management approach for healthcare facilities in England and Wales. This standard operating procedure document sets out the waste management approach for all healthcare facilities including primary care facilities and testing facilities in England and Wales during the Covid-19 outbreak.
The standard operating procedure (SOP) aims to take simple and pragmatic approach to ensure that waste is managed in a safe manner. The document covers Trusts, ambulance trusts and community care by healthcare professionals. The SOP outlines the waste streams and routes they should take to ensure treatment facilities can identify and treat in the correct manner.
5. Regulation and Compliance
21.05.20 SEPA launches dedicated waste hub
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), with partners, has launched an information hub to support Scotland's recyclers and waste managers. Hosted on a dedicated section of managingourwaste.scot/wastemanagement, the resources provide information and signpost to the most up-to-date guidance on a range of topics, including support for businesses, environmental regulations, temporary regulatory positions and health and safety.
The campaign reinforces the legal responsibility to recycle and manage waste properly. There is also a warning to those who are seeking to use the opportunity of disruption to services to their criminal advantage, and a plea to businesses to help SEPA to tackle unscrupulous companies and individuals by reporting suspicious behaviour and making sure they only deal with legitimate waste companies.
15.05.20 Coronavirus: Environment Agency update
The Environment Agency has issued an update to stakeholders including a link to all its Covid-19 related Regulatory Position Statements
22.04.20 Republic of Ireland: Funding Ring Fenced to tackle illegal dumping
The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Richard Bruton announced that €1m of funds from the Anti Dumping Initiative will be ring-fenced to support efforts to tackle a reported increase in illegal dumping during the current COVID-19 crisis. Waste removal and the installation of CCTV or other monitoring and surveillance equipment will be among the activities supported.
20.04.20 Environment Agency: Information about billing and payments during the Coronavirus pandemic
The Environment Agency has issued a letter to its regulatory stakeholders regarding flexibility related to charges and payments during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Latest Regulatory Position Statements
Environment Agency
· COVID-19 and storing waste at unpermitted sites due to exceeding your storage limits: RPS C17
· COVID-19 and temporary storage of incinerator bottom ash aggregate: RPS C16
· COVID-19 and exceeding permit limits for medical use of radioactive substances: RPS C15
· COVID-19 and delaying hazardous waste consignee returns: RPS C14
· Accumulating radioactive waste that you cannot transfer because of COVID-19: RPS C13
· Reporting for installations, radioactive substances and waste permits: RPS C10
· COVID-19 and packaging waste: registering as a packaging producer: RPS C9
· Social distancing when signing and handing over waste transfer and consignment notes in person: RPS C8
· Monitoring emissions from installations, radioactive substances and waste activities: RPS C7
· Storing treated sewage sludge you cannot move because of Covid-19 restrictions: RPS C6
· PPE waste from home healthcare workers treating patients with Covid-19: RPS C5
· Incinerating specified healthcare wastes at a municipal waste incinerator: RPS C4
· Exceeding waste storage limits at permitted sites because of COVID-19: RPS C2
· Storing or treating COVID-19 cleansing waste at a healthcare waste management facility: RPS
Natural Resources Wales
· RBB-C19-017: Coronavirus response - exceeding waste storage limits at permitted sites’
· RBB-C19-004: Providing signatures on waste documentation during the Coronavirus pandemic
· RBB-C19-007 Transfrontier Shipments (TFS) documentation covering TFS documentation.
Scottish Environment Protection Agency COVID-19 - Waste Management
• SEPA regulatory Position Statement covering Duty of Care transfer notes, hazardous waste compliance, and Transfrontier Shipment of Waste paperwork. It also underlines the importance of operators discussing any compliance issues they might face with SEPA as soon as possible and recognises some of the common issues/matters likely to be faced by licensed and permitted site operators. This is a live document and will be updated.
Technical Competence
The Environment Agency statement on Technically Competent Managers states:
There have been a number of queries around Technically Competent Managers (TCMs). This is generic advice across all waste sectors and we appreciate some operators may be closing sites following the restrictions imposed by the Government. However, we are sure others will remain open.
TCM attendance during COVID-19 restrictions
· We understand that many operators will be concerned about how they can satisfy attendance requirements whilst sites are running on reduced staffing levels and staff may well be ill or self-isolating. We will be pragmatic in our approach.
· There is still a requirement to have a technically competent person as a requirement of the permit.
· The TCM attendance hours are within the guidance on GOV.UK and they are an indication that site activities are in being overseen by a technically competent manager.
· Where the TCM is self-isolating or sick and cannot attend the site. The operator should be able and capable of operating the plant or site safely through both their EMS and operations training.
· Operators should:
· Review their training and capability structure to ensure roles, responsibilities and accident plans are in place and reviewed to ensure that they are fit for purpose.
· Ensure that remote systems are operational. Alarms systems where required, are fully operational.
· Have a responsive duty roster to respond to incidents.
· Notify us here the site cannot be safely monitored.
· Record if their nominated TCM(s) are self-isolating in the site diary.
Difficulties in taking Continuing Competence tests
In view of Pearson Vue test centres now being closed and Continuing Competence tests not currently available and until the current Governments advice changes, we will not regard the failure to complete a continuing competence assessment that becomes due after 16 March as being a failure to comply with the Wamitab Technical Competence scheme. If this applies to you or your Technically Competence Manager, please contact your EA local area team or account manager technical lead and Wamitab as soon as possible.
6. Business support schemes and announcements
20.05.20 Government introduces legislation to relieve burden on businesses and support economic recovery
The Government has introduced the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill in Parliament to put in place a series of measures to amend insolvency and company law to support business to address the challenges resulting from the impact of COVID-19. The Bill consists of 6 insolvency measures and 2 corporate governance measures which introduce temporary easements and flexibility including:
• introducing a new moratorium to give companies breathing space from their creditors while they seek a rescue
• prohibiting termination clauses that engage on insolvency, preventing suppliers from ceasing their supply or asking for additional payments while a company is going through a rescue process
• introducing a new restructuring plan that will bind creditors to it
• enabling the insolvency regime to flex to meet the demands of the emergency
• temporarily removing the threat of personal liability for wrongful trading from directors who try to keep their companies afloat through the emergency
• temporarily prohibiting creditors from filing statutory demands and winding up petitions for coronavirus related debts
• temporarily easing burdens on businesses by enabling them to hold closed Annual General Meetings (AGMs), conduct business and communicate with members electronically, and by extending filing deadlines
• allowing for the temporary measures to be retrospective so as to be as effective as possible
21.05.20 Latest guidance for NI businesses
COVID-19 Guidance and information for NI Businesses & Employers has been updated and all the latest guidance is available here
12.05.20 Businesses offering COVID-19-related support
Businesses that can offer their assistance to government by providing products and services, such as medical equipment, hotel rooms, transport and logistics, and expertise, can now do so.
· England – https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus-support-from-business]
· Northern Ireland – https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/services/coronavirus-covid-19-how-your-business-can-help
12.05.20 The Government has announced an extension of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. The main points in the announcement are that:
· the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme will continue until end of October
· furloughed workers across UK will continue to receive 80% of their current salary, up to £2,500
· new flexibility will be introduced from August to get employees back to work and boost the economy
The scheme will continue in its current form until the end of July and employers can use the scheme anytime during this period. From August, employers currently using the scheme will have more flexibility to bring their furloughed employees back to work part time whilst still receiving support from the scheme and employers will be asked to pay a percentage towards the salaries of their furloughed staff. These payments will substitute the contribution the government is currently making, ensuring that staff continue to receive 80% of their salary, up to £2,500 a month. More specific details and information around the implementation of the changes to the scheme will be made available by the end of May.
The latest advice and guidance for employees, employers and businesses on the range of support measure can be found here
Business Support Webinars
Government departments are hosting a series of webinars to help businesses understand the support available:
· for topics that cover supporting and retaining staff and the self-employed, register to attend future webinars or watch recorded sessions
· for international trade, register here
· for small businesses, register here
02.04.20 Tax support
HMRC’s dedicated Tax Helpline on 0800 024 1222 is designed to support businesses and self-employed people concerned about paying their tax due to coronavirus (COVID-19). For those who are unable to pay due to coronavirus, HMRC will discuss specific circumstances to explore options including agreeing an instalment arrangement, suspending debt collection proceedings, cancelling penalties and interest where you have administrative difficulties contacting or paying HMRC immediately.
02.04.20 Landfill Tax operational flexibility
HMRC has provided clarification on available operational flexibility for landfill sites to reflect the operational impact of COVID-19. The briefing issued to the sector covers:
· flexibility to reduce the handling of documentation at weighbridges
· disruption to sampling of qualifying fines and Loss on Ignition tests
The full HMRC letter can be found here
30.04.20 Scottish Government announces new business support funding
Scottish Government has announced a £100 million package of additional grant support for small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) and newly self-employed people. The three separate funds will be administered by local authorities and Scotland’s enterprise agencies and will begin to pay out grants in early May. Applicants can access these funds via the www.FindBusinessSupport.gov.scot website. Information on all of the above funds can be found here along with detailed guidance notes.
In addition to the range of business support measures already announced by UK and Welsh Governments, including £1.4 billion to support Welsh businesses dealing with the coronavirus impact, Welsh Government has also put in place a £500 million fund aimed at supporting those firms who would not qualify from previously announced support packages.
The new £100m Development Bank of Wales fund will be available for companies who are experiencing cash flow problems as a result of the pandemic and will provide loans of between £5,000 and £250,000 at favourable interest rates. Businesses will also be able to benefit from a £400m emergency pot providing:
· Grants of £10,000 for micro-businesses employing up to nine people.
· Grants of up to £100,000 for small and medium sized firms with between 10 and 249 employees.
· Support for larger Welsh companies, which are of critical social or economic importance to Wales.
More details on the £500 million Economic Resilience Fund can be found here.
Republic of Ireland
The European Commission has approved a €200 million Irish scheme to support companies affected by the coronavirus outbreak. The scheme, called “Sustaining Enterprise Scheme”, was approved under the State aid Temporary Framework adopted by the Commission on 19 March 2020, as amended on 3 April 2020. More detail can be found here.
7. Employment matters
23.05.20 Coronavirus: apprenticeship programme guidance
The government has published guidance for apprentices, employers, training providers and assessment organisations in response to the impact of COVID-19.
13.05.20 Shortage occupation list: call for evidence
The Government has published a consultation on the roles that are being filled by migrant workers, the salaries they are paid and implications of potential changes.
In March 2020, the government commissioned the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) to compile a UK shortage occupation list (SOL), which will primarily focus on occupations at RQF Level 3-5 (medium skill). This is to be reported in September 2020. Reflecting the pressure on businesses as a result of COVID-19, alongside the main call for evidence, this consultation provides the opportunity options to submit more limited evidence or to register that you would have responded in different circumstances.
8. Public sector procurement support for suppliers
Procurement in exceptional circumstances: England, Wales and Northern Ireland
The Public Contracts Regulations 2015, with some fairly minor exceptions, apply to England, Wales and Northern Ireland but not to Scotland.
The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 r32(2)(c) provides guidance on the specific cases and circumstances where contracting authorities may award public contracts by a negotiated procedure without prior publication.
One of the situations where this is allowed is where “for reasons of extreme urgency brought about by events unforeseeable by the contracting authority, the time limits for the open or restricted procedures or competitive procedures with negotiation cannot be complied with”. In addition, the regulations state “the circumstances invoked to justify extreme urgency must not in any event be attributable to the contracting authority”.
In England: the recently issued Information Note PPN 01/20 Responding to COVID-19 states that “in these exceptional circumstances, authorities may need to procure goods, services and works with extreme urgency. Authorities are permitted to do this using regulation 32(2)(c) under the Public Contract Regulations 2015”.
In Wales: Information Note PPN 01/20 Responding to COVID-19 also applies to Welsh local authorities
In Northern Ireland: No Procurement Guidance Note (PGN) analogous to PPN 01/20 has yet been issued. The latest PGN published is PGN 01/20 - https://www.finance-ni.gov.uk/publications/pgn-0120-supplier-relief-due-covid-19
Scottish Government has issued an policy note on public procurement during the COVID-19 crisis, Scottish Policy Note SPPN 4/2020, which lays out a set range of circumstances under which urgent procurement may be used:
· call off contract from an existing framework agreement/Dynamic Purchasing System
· modification of an existing contract
· new procurement procedure – using accelerated timescales
· direct award of a new contract
· contract awarded under the light-touch regime
· using the small lots option available in the regulations
Full guidance is provided in the policy note in respect of the steps that should be followed by Local Authority in exercising urgent procurement measures for each of the above and the legislative basis for the advice contained within the policy note is found in The Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. The relevant provisions are very similar to those contained in the regulations in England, as they also derive from European Directive 2014/24/EU on public procurement:
r33 (1)(c) of the 2015 Regulations:
“where (but only if it is strictly necessary) for reasons of extreme urgency brought about by events unforeseeable by the contracting authority, the time limits for open procedure, restricted procedure or competitive procedure with negotiation cannot be complied with”
r33(3) of the 2015 Regulations:
“For the purposes of paragraph (1)(c), the circumstances invoked to justify extreme urgency must not, in any event, be attributable to the contracting authority”.
CIWM is advised that all of these tests should be considered carefully by parties to an emergency procurement process to avoid subsequent challenge – clearly, the longer the pandemic lasts, the less likely it will be that the events could be construed as “unforeseeable”.
By contrast to the position in England, lower-value contracts (£50,000 goods/services £2,000,000 works, per the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014) are also regulated, by the Procurement (Scotland) Regulations 2016.
R6(1)(c) of the 2016 Regulations provides that:
“where (but only if it is strictly necessary) for reasons of extreme urgency brought about by events unforeseeable by the contracting authority, the authority considers it must proceed to award a contract without delay”, a contracting authority may award a public contract without seeking offers in relation to the proposed contract (provided also that the circumstances invoked to justify extreme urgency are not attributable to the LA).
This allows for expedited provision of low-value contracts, a position which is reflected by the Scottish Policy Note.
20.03.03 Policy Procurement Guidance from Cabinet Office
The Cabinet Office has published a Procurement Policy Note Action Note PPN 02/20 providing guidance for public bodies on payment of their suppliers to ensure service continuity during and after the current COVID-19 outbreak.
9. Planning
13.05.20 New planning guidance from the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government
In response to the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), MHCLG has published updated on planning matters, including temporary measures to make it easier to operate the planning system. The updated planning guidance includes references to key Ministerial Statements on planning matters, including on Virtual Working and Planning and public consultation on applications.
A regulatory amendment to the Town & Country Planning Act allow planning authorities and applicants to adopt a more flexible approach towards publicity and consultation came into force on the 14th May 2020 and the changes will apply until the 31st December 2020. The Statutory Instrument is here and the Explanatory Memorandum is here.
An update was issued on 13th May (updated 18th May) on the PINS website to reflect the announcement made by MHCLG Secretary of State, Robert Jenrick. This provides a summary of the steps being taken by PINS to ensure the planning system supports the recovery and growth of the national economy, and includes a resumption of site visits and an accelerated roll-out of the use of digital events.
10. Transport and logistics
17.04.20 Temporary relaxation of the enforcement of the drivers’ hours rules
The Department for Transport updated its temporary relaxation of the EU and GB drivers’ hours rules for drivers carrying goods by road. The relaxation runs until 23:59 on Sunday 31 May 2020 and anyone driving under the EU drivers’ hours rules or the GB drivers’ hours rules and undertaking carriage of goods by road can use the relaxations where necessary. The relaxations are not limited to specific sectors or journeys. There is additional guidance available here COVID-19: guidance on drivers’ hours relaxations
An extension to this relaxation is currently being consulted on
20.03.20 Driving tests and MOTs for heavy vehicles suspended for up to 3 months
Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency has suspended MOT testing and suspended driver testing except for those working in critical sectors. More information here.
This temporary suspension is being kept under review