Strategic Expert Groups (SEGs)

Tackling the environmental damage caused by modern societal behaviours – climate change, plastic pollution, resource depletion, biodiversity loss – is going to take collective effort and knowledge.

CIWM members and volunteers have the skills, expertise and passion to help combat these growing challenges. As the professional body for resource and waste managers, it’s our job to help facilitate these solutions, and our Policy & Innovation Forum and Strategic Expert Groups will play a major role in this mission.

Led by CIWM members and volunteers, the SEGs will reflect the constantly shifting policy and industry landscapes and work at a broad, strategic level. They offer an opportunity for CIWM to foster the knowledge and insights of its members to give them the tools to make measurable changes.

We want SEGs to mobilise the industry to make the most of the opportunities presented by government reforms and build a lasting and resilient sector that can drive real changes and protect and conserve our planet for future generations to come.

If you have any questions, do contact the Technical Team.


Infrastructure, Services and Operation Strategic Expert Group ~

This Strategic Expert Group (SEG) will be the lead technical group helping CIWM deliver its Policy and Innovation Forum three-year plan. Developing its own working plan to prioritise the drive towards a circular economy and CIWM's strategy of a World beyond Waste.

This group has a broad remit, covering all waste streams from household, commercial, industrial as well as specific streams like litter, construction and demolition waste. Covering collection, transport, handling and treating waste calls for a broad membership for the SEG but hopefully it will also appeal to regulatory, legal and contractual expert members of CIWM.

SEG members will champion infrastructure, services and operations for CIWM, raising CIWM’s profile in relevant circles and communities. Being a member of the SEG presents the opportunity to shape the future of the infrastructure, services and operational aspect of the resources and waste sector.

This SEG held its first meeting in July 2023 and agreed its Terms of Reference. Summary information from each meeting will be made available July 2023, November 2023, January 2024April 2024, July 2024, September 2024

A case study in 2024 was produced to highlight how one MRF has optimised its settings to separate out flexible plastics from co-collected material.  This can be found in the Knowledge Centre.

SEG Membership
Joanne Wood (Chair) - Monksleigh
Anne Laleman - Alpha Financials Environmental
Paul Frith - Frith Resource Management
Jon Marshall - Zero Waste Scotland
Stephen Hodges - Haggai Projects
Richard Botting - Velocity
Jim Perkins - JIC and Associates
Allan Key - Sweetptech Environmental Services
John Ferguson - Binn Eco Park
Owain Griffiths - Circular Resource Specialists
Donal Doyle - RPS Group
David Goodenough - Cireco
Colin Fletcher - Thalia Waste Management

Climate Emergency Strategic Expert Group ~

CIWM has announced the formation of a new Climate Emergency Strategic Expert Group to oversee and guide its work on Net Zero.

There are wide ranging opinions regarding potential solutions to tackle climate change, but there is no panacea or single organisation/body that will solve this issue on its own. The effectiveness of  CIWM’s Climate Emergency SEG will therefore be judged on its ability to bring together other likeminded organisations and to coordinate actions to provide the necessary scale of response. For waste and resource management in particular, this will involve representation from all types of wastes producers, handlers and facility operators, including, for example, food waste.

The work of the Climate Emergency SEG will be fundamental to the identification of what the sector needs and how best we can serve those needs. The Climate Emergency SEG will act as ‘agents of change’ and challenge and will be the guiding mind behind CIWM’s climate change work, which will one day bear the fruit of moving the world beyond waste. 

The SEG has agreed its Terms of Reference. Summary information of meetings will be made available April 2024, June 2024, September 2024

SEG Membership
Liz Parkes (Chair) - Environment Agency
Mike Treagent - Environment Agency
Simon Gandy - SLR Consulting
Adam Read - Suez
Wayne Hubbard - ReLondon
Keith James - WRAP
Ioanna Kyriazi - Suez
Adedayo Adegbayibi - Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Sharon Palmer - Clancy Group
Paul Dumble - Independent
Stuart Hayward-Higham - Suez
Charlotte Rule - ESA
Steve Read - Independent

Producer Responsibility Strategic Expert Group ~

The Producer Responsibility SEG exists to provide technical and policy related expertise to CIWM and the resources and waste sector on matters relating to existing and potential producer responsibility frameworks, and other resources and waste related legislation in the relating to The Environment Act 2021.

The SEG will consider technical and policy related matters on the practical aspects of Producer Responsibility, and allied legislation, of relevance to the resources and waste sector and CIWM’s membership.

The first meeting of this SEG was 31 October. Terms of Reference  have been agreed. Summary information of meetings will be made available November 2023 

SEG Membership
John Twitchen (Chair) - Env 23
Adreinna Zsakay - Circular Economy Asia
Bill Dolan - DAR Ltd
David Daw - Valpak
David Reynolds - Veolia
Gerrard Fisher - QSA Partners
Martin Hyde - Alupro
Dimitra Rappou - Confederation of Paper Industries
John Redmayne - ERP Recycling
Jordan Girling - WRAP
Heidi Barnard - NHS Supply Chain
Louisa Goodfellow - Ecosurety
Nicola Jones - Tata Steel
Paldeep Bhatti - INCPEN
Ruth Innes - NHS Scotland Assure
Valerii Borynskyi - Independent
Mark Wood - Jayplas
Saeed Oluwadipe - Westminster City Council

Behaviour Change Strategic Expert Group ~

The Behaviour Change SEG exists to provide specialist expertise to CIWM and the resources and waste sector on the human factors and practical measures to encourage behaviour change, as well as being a knowledge hub relating to behaviour change expertise.

The SEG will consider and be seen as the lead technical advisory body within CIWM on behaviour change methodologies and practices that impact on, and relate to, the future use of resources and achieving sustainable recovery from wastes.  Encourging and supporting businesses, local authorities and the public to adopt behaviours that support and accelerate the circular society.

The first meeting was 4 December 2023 and they have agreed their Terms of Reference. Summary information of meetings will be made available December 2023, February 2024, April 2024, July 2024, November 2024

The SEG have produced a Behaviour Change Hierachy  to help those planning services and/or other interventions to think about the likely impact of their design in terms of achieving behaviour change. The principles set out here can be applied to other scenarios and other sectors that seek to change behaviours including wider environmental issues, transport, energy and healthcare. 

SEG Membership
Stephen Bates (Chair) - Mobius Agency
Amelia Luk - Mott MacDonald
Emma Leask - Zero Waste Scotland
Graham Winter - Environment Agency
Helen White (Vice Chair) - Tetra Tech
Michelle Whitfield - Greater Manchester Local Authority
Neil Harrison - NRW Wales
Sam Hubble - WRAP

Resource Efficient Design Strategic Expert Group ~

The Resource Efficient Design SEG exists to provide specialist expertise to CIWM, the resources and waste sector, and the wider value-chain including the design community, on matters relating to determining, applying, and promoting design principles which will result in products being placed on the market being efficient in terms of resource use but which also facilitate desirable end-of-life options such as re-use, repair, and recycling.

The SEG will consider and be seen as the lead technical advisory body within CIWM for the collation of information relating to best practices in resource efficient design and designing for end-of-life considerations. The SEG is about the essentials of how CIWM and the wider sector should address the challenges in achieving resource efficient design and designing products for their end-of-life and support CIWM’s purpose to move the world beyond waste.

The first meeting was 10 June 2024. The Terms of Reference  have been agreed. Summary information from each meeting will be made available.

SEG Membership
David Greenfield (Chair) - Soenecs
Geoff Sampson - Circulogic
Natasha Chorlton - Ahlstrom
Naomi Cohen - Independent
Peter Hambling - Velocity
Rory Doherty - Queens University Belfast
Annemarie Wilshaw - Suez
Philip Mossop - Pentatonic
Andy Kellar - Repic
Vasundhara Poola - Aramark
Tim Walker - arc21

Technical Communities

CIWM’s Technical Communities (TCs) is the new name for special interest groups.  They are still the engine room for the body of knowledge that deals with the activities covered within the sustainable resources and waste management sector. The work of the TCs is invaluable and CIWM encourages more members to become involved in these groups.

In order for these groups to function efficiently the Institution needs the groups to comprise of enthusiastic people working in the resource and waste sector. TCs are on the Connect platform  and are accessible to members of CIWM and if you are working as a regulator or within policy for the sector, but not a member of CIWM wishing to engage with our TCs then please do contact the Technical Team.

CIWM welcomes you to contribute to the promotion of the resources and waste agenda through the specific activities of the TCs by joining in the discussion or starting a new thread on a specific topic. These groups will provide the authoritative technical resource that is the basis for some excellent publications, best practice documents, guidance documents and consultation responses on behalf of CIWM, as they will be the conduit the Policy and Technical Team will use to form Task and Finish Groups or Advisory Groups.

The Technical Team will engage with the Technical Communities on specific issues, inform members of events, papers or information that may be of interest, so ensure you turn on notifications to keep up to date.  Members are invited to engage in a many TCs as they wish, those that relate to your work role or just those that you have an interest in. 

If you have any questions please email the Technical Team

~ Bioresources ~

The purpose of this Technical Community is to act as a forum for information exchange relating to the management of bioresources. This includes the operation and process of biological treatment (aerobic and anaerobic) of biodegradable wastes within the UK and Republic of Ireland and sustainable landspreading of beneficial materials to enhance soil health.

To achieve its aim the Technical Community will:

  • Investigate and report on new techniques or technologies for composting, anaerobic digestion, land remediation, or other processes involving bioresources.
  • Promote debate and discussion on topical specialised issues relating to bioresources. 
  • Ensure that members are kept up-to-date with emerging legislation in the UK, Ireland, and internationally, relating to all biological treatment, storage, transportation, processing, and usage. 
  • Share information on environmental matters concerning bioresources currently in practice. 
  • Respond where necessary to consultation documents issued by Government and International bodies relating to bioresources. 
  • Liaise with Government departments and other organisations working within the bioresources sector. 
  • Provide guidance and specify training requirements for improving bioresources as part of a process of continuous improvement for bioresource professionals. 
  • Co-operate with other CIWM technical and strategic groups and those within the wider industry with regard to information dissemination to avoid duplication of efforts. 
  • Act as a resource of technical expertise to CIWM in relation to policy, legislation and practice on the subject of bioresources. 
  • Operate in partnership with Organic Recycling Group (ORG) within Renewable Energy Association (REA), and AD Bioresources (ADBA).   
Any CIWM member can engage with the Bioresources Technical Community through the Connect Platform. CIWM encourages those that work in the Bioresources sector as a regulator or policy lead and who wish to be part of this Technical Community to contact the Policy and Technical Team (

If you are interested in engaging with this Technical Community, click here and start a discussion or comment on a thread already there.

~ Circular Economy ~

The purpose of the Circular Economy Technical Community is to act as a forum for information exchange relating to circular economy, resource efficiency, and sustainable waste management.

To achieve its aim the Technical Community will:

  • Disseminate information on best practice and new developments within the circular economy arena.
  • Ensure that members are kept up-to-date with emerging information and experience in the UK, Ireland, and internationally.
  • Promote debate and discussion on topical specialised issues relating to circular economy, resource efficiency, and sustainable waste management.
  • Co-operate with other CIWM technical and strategic groups and those within the wider industry with regard to information dissemination to avoid duplication of efforts.
  • Act as a resource of technical expertise to CIWM in relation to policy, legislation and practice on the subject of circular economy. 
Any CIWM member can engage with the Circular Economy Technical Community through the Connect Platform. CIWM encourages those that work in circular economy as a regulator or policy lead and who wish to be part of this Technical Community to contact the Policy and Technical Team (

If you are interested in engaging with a Technical Community, click here and start a discussion or comment on a thread already there.

~ Collection and Transport ~

The purpose of the Collection and Transport Technical Community is to act as a forum for information exchange relating to collection and transport of resources and waste (residual, food, and recyclables).

To achieve its aim the Technical Community will:

  • Disseminate information on best practice and new developments within the collection and transport profession.
  • Ensure that members are kept up-to-date with emerging legislation in the UK, Ireland, and internationally, relating to collection and transport.
  • Share information on environmental matters concerning collection and transport.
  • Promote debate and discussion on topical specialised issues relating to collection and transport.
  • Provide guidance and specify training requirements for better collection and transport as part of a process of continuous improvement for collection and transport professionals.
  • Respond where necessary to consultation documents issued by Government and international bodies relating to collection and transport.
  • Liaise with Government departments and other organisations working within the collection and transport sector.
  • Co-operate with other CIWM technical and strategic groups and those within the wider industry with regard to information dissemination to avoid duplication of efforts.
  • Act as a resource of technical expertise to CIWM in relation to policy, legislation, and practice on the subject of collection and transport.
Any CIWM member can engage with the Collection and Transport Technical Community through the Connect Platform. CIWM encourages those that work in the collection and transport sector as a regulator or policy lead and who wish to be part of this Technical Community to contact the Policy and Technical Team (

If you are interested in engaging with a Technical Community, click here and start a discussion or comment on a thread already there.

~ Energy from Waste ~

The purpose of Energy from Waste Technical Community is to act as a forum for information exchange relating to energy from waste.

To achieve its aim the Technical Community will:

  • Investigate and report on new techniques or technologies for energy from waste or other processes involving thermal treatments.
  • Promote debate and discussion on topical specialised issues relating to energy from waste.
  • Keep up-to-date with emerging legislation relating to energy from waste  in the UK and its devolved administrations, Ireland, across Europe and internationally.
  • Share information on environmental matters, economic and sociological matters concerning energy from waste currently in practice.
  • Respond where necessary to consultation documents issued by Government and devolved Governments, the EU and other International bodies, relating to energy from waste.
  • Liaise with Government departments and other organisations working within the energy from waste sector.
  • Co-operate with other CIWM technical and strategic groups and those within the wider industry with regard to information dissemination to avoid duplication of efforts.
  • Act as a resource of technical expertise to CIWM on the subject of energy from waste in relation to policy, legislation, guidance and training requirements for waste management professionals.
  • Organise events, member briefings, or newsletters to disseminate relevant information on energy from waste as widely as possible among CIWM members and other interested parties.
Any CIWM member can engage with the Energy from Waste Technical Community through the Connect Platform. CIWM encourages those that work in the energy from waste sector as a regulator or policy lead and who wish to be part of this Technical Community to contact the Policy and Technical Team (

If you are interested in engaging with a Technical Community, click here and start a discussion or comment on a thread already there.

~ Environmental Quality ~

The purpose of the Environmental Quality Technical Community is to act as a forum for the information exchange relating to environmental quality

To achieve its aim the Technical Community will:

  • Promote debate and discussion on topical specialised issues relating to environmental quality, street cleansing, litter, fly-tipping.
  • Provide guidance and specify training requirements for improving environmental quality as part of a process of continuous improvement for environmental quality professionals.
  • Respond where necessary to consultation documents issued by Government and international bodies relating to environmental quality.
  • Liaise with Government departments and other organisations working within the environmental quality sector.
  • Co-operate with other CIWM technical and strategic groups and those within the wider industry with regard to information dissemination to avoid duplication of efforts.
  • Act as a resource of technical expertise to CIWM in relation to policy, legislation and practice on the subject of environmental quality.
  • Operate in partnership with organisations operating in this topic area, like Keep Britain Tidy, Keep Scotland Beautiful, Keep Wales Tidy, Tidy Northern Ireland, Hubbub, Marine Conservation, etc.
Any CIWM member can engage with the Environmental Quality Technical Community through the Connect Platform. CIWM encourages those that work in the environmental quality sector as a regulator or policy lead and who wish to be part of this Technical Community to contact the Policy and Technical Team (

If you are interested in engaging with a Technical Community, click here and start a discussion or comment on a thread already there.

~ Hazardous Waste ~

The purpose of the Hazardous Waste Technical Community is to act as a forum for information exchange and advice relating to the proper management of hazardous waste management from household, commercial, and industrial sectors within the UK, Ireland, and internationally.

To achieve its aim the Technical Community will:

  • Ensure that members are kept up-to-date with emerging legislation, agreements and instruments, from the UK, Ireland and the European Union (EU), relating to all aspects of hazardous waste management.
  • Share and disseminate information on hazardous waste matters concerning resource and waste management practices including related topic areas (such as chemicals, hazardous substances etc) via the CIWM web pages, CIWM Journal (online and hard copy), Members Newsletter, Twitter, LinkedIn and any other suitable media.
  • Promote debate and discussion on topical issues relating to hazardous wastes.
  • Provide guidance on and specify training requirements for better hazardous waste management to contribute to the process of continuous improvement for hazardous waste management professionals.
  • Be aware of and contribute on consultation documents issued by Government, regulatory bodies, other third parties organisations and European and international bodies relating to hazardous waste.
  • Liaise with Government departments, environmental regulators and practitioners as well as other organisations working within the hazardous waste sector (e.g., the International Solid Waste Association).
  • Co-operate with other CIWM technical and strategic groups and other groups in the sector as appropriate, on information dissemination and consultations to facilitate coordination and avoid duplication of efforts.
  • Act as a resource of technical expertise to CIWM in relation to policy, legislation and practice on the subject of hazardous waste.
Any CIWM member can engage with the Hazardous Waste Technical Community through the Connect Platform. CIWM encourages those that work in the hazardous waste sector as a regulator or policy lead and who wish to be part of this Technical Community to contact the Policy and Technical Team (

If you are interested in engaging with a Technical Community, click here and start a discussion or comment on a thread already there.

~ Health & Safety ~

The purpose of the Health and Safety Technical Community is to act as a forum for information exchange relating to Health, Safety and Welfare (HS&W) in the waste and resource management industry in the UK and Ireland. The Technical Community shall have a plan setting out the way in which CIWM will influence and engage with the sector in order to actively contribute to improving of the health, safety welfare performance of the industry. 

To achieve its aim the Technical Community will:

  • Ensure that members are kept up-to-date with emerging legislation relating to HS&W matters.
  • Share and disseminate information on HS&W matters concerning waste and resource management practices via the CIWM web pages, Circular (online and hard copy), Members Newsletter, Twitter, LinkedIn and any other suitable media.
  • Promote HS&W related issues to members for continuing professional development (CPD) purposes.
  • Promote debate and discussion on topical specialised issues relating to HS&W.
  • Provide and promote guidance for better HS&W as part of a process of continuous improvement for health and safety professionals in waste and resource management.
  • Respond where necessary to consultation documents issued by governments and regulatory bodies, relating to HS&W in waste management.
  • Liaise with Governments in the UK and Ireland and associated bodies/agencies.
  • Co-operate with other CIWM technical and strategic Technical Communities and those within the wider industry with regard to information dissemination to avoid duplication of efforts.
  • Act as a resource of technical expertise to the Institution in relation to policy, legislation and best practice on the subject of health and safety and welfare.
  • Work in partnership with other organisations with an interest in HS&W. e.g. WISH, WISH NI, IWISH, SWITCH, IOSH and ROSPA.
  • Work towards achieving the objectives of the WISH Strategy - Blueprint to which CIWM is committed and has signed up to.
Any CIWM member can engage with the Health & Safety Technical Community through the Connect Platform. CIWM encourages those that work in the health and safety sector as a regulator or policy lead and who wish to be part of this Technical Community to contact the Policy and Technical Team (

If you are interested in engaging with a Technical Community, click here and start a discussion or comment on a thread already there.

~ Healthcare Waste ~

The purpose of the Healthcare Waste Technical Community is to act as a forum for information exchange relating to healthcare waste (treatment, disposal, collection and prevention etc) from domestic, commercial, clinical, and industrial sectors within the UK.

To achieve its aim the Technical Community will:

  • Promote debate and discussion on topical specialised issues relating to healthcare waste management, and resource efficiency.
  • Identify and examine emerging technological options and best practice in healthcare waste management.
  • Identify the role of healthcare waste management and resource efficiency within Government strategies, including procurement, climate change, and waste.
  • Ensure that members are kept up-to-date with emerging legislation and information from the UK, Ireland, and internationally, relating to healthcare waste management and resource efficiency, including environmental matters concerned with this.
  • Respond where necessary to consultation documents issued by Governments, regulators, public bodies and International bodies relating to healthcare waste management and resource efficiency.
  • Liaise with Government departments, other organisations, relevant bodies and regulators working within the healthcare waste sector.
  • Provide guidance and share information on training and education requirements for better healthcare waste management as part of a process of continuous improvement for healthcare waste professionals.
  • Provide advice and guidance on environmental matters concerning healthcare waste.
  • Co-operate with other CIWM technical and strategic groups and those within the wider industry with regard to information dissemination to avoid duplication of efforts.
  • Act as a resource of technical expertise to CIWM in relation to policy, legislation and practice on the subject of healthcare waste.
Any CIWM member can engage with the Healthcare Waste Technical Community through the Connect Platform. CIWM encourages those that work in the healthcare waste sector as a regulator or policy lead and who wish to be part of this Technical Community to contact the Policy and Technical Team (

If you are interested in engaging with a Technical Community, click here and start a discussion or comment on a thread already there.

~ Landfill ~

The purpose of the Landfill Technical Community is to act as a forum for information exchange relating to all aspects of landfill.

To achieve its aim the Technical Community will:

  • Promote debate and discussion on topical specialised issues relating to landfill and landfill disposal, in the UK, Ireland, and internationally.
  • Ensure that members are kept up-to-date with emerging legislation and information relating to landfill.
  • Identify the role of landfill within Government strategies, including climate change and waste.
  • Liaise with Government departments, other organisations, relevant bodies and regulators working within the landfill sector.
  • Provide advice and guidance on environmental matters concerning landfill.
  • Work in partnership with other organisations with an interest in landfill, including ISWA, WasteAid, etc.
  • Co-operate with other CIWM technical and strategic groups and those within the wider industry with regard to information dissemination to avoid duplication of efforts.
  • Act as a resource of technical expertise to CIWM in relation to policy, legislation and practice on the subject of landfill.
Any CIWM member can engage with the Landfill Technical Community through the Connect Platform. CIWM encourages those that work in the landfill sector as a regulator or policy lead and who wish to be part of this Technical Community to contact the Policy and Technical Team (

If you are interested in engaging with a Technical Community, click here and start a discussion or comment on a thread already there.

~ Prevention, Reuse and Repair ~

The Prevention, Reuse and Repair Technical Community shall concentrate on the top of the hierarchy, from preventing waste and how this can be achieved, along with ideas for reuse and what needs to change to make this easier. Preparation for re-use and repair are key to reuse, linking these aspects of the hierarchy together. These features relate to any origin of material, enabling discussion to make strategic contributions towards waste prevention in the UK and Ireland, and promoting secondary use of materials, goods and products.

To achieve its aim the Technical Community will:

  • Consider resource efficiency and conservation of resources.
  • Influence and support national waste prevention programmes and the development of SCP programmes in UK and Ireland.
  • Engage with relevant stakeholders as effectively as possible.
  • Disseminate knowledge and understanding on best practice pertaining to prevention of waste and resource efficiency.
  • Respond to relevant consultations, enquiries on behalf of CIWM.
  • Raise awareness of waste prevention to be considered/incorporated in environmental product design/improvement/longevity.
  • Raise awareness and support programmes seeking to change/influence behaviours with reference to waste prevention and reduction.
  • Focus on specific materials, guided by WRAP and government priorities.
  • Act as a resource of technical expertise to CIWM in relation to policy, legislation and practice on the subject of prevention, reuse and repair.
Any CIWM member can engage with the Prevention, Reuse and Repair Technical Community through the Connect Platform. CIWM encourages those that work in prevention, reuse or repair as a regulator or policy lead and who wish to be part of this Technical Community to contact the Policy and Technical Team (

If you are interested in engaging with a Technical Community, click here and start a discussion or comment on a thread already there.

~ Reprocess & Recycle ~

The purpose of the Reprocess and Recycle Technical Community is to act as a forum for information exchange relating to all material types, glass, paper, card, plastic, metals, wood, etc.

To achieve its aim the Technical Community will:

  • Engage with relevant stakeholders as effectively as possible.
  • Disseminate knowledge and understanding on best practice pertaining to reprocessing and recycling of materials.
  • Respond to relevant consultations, enquiries on behalf of CIWM.
  • Promote debate and discussion on topical specialised issues relating to recycling and reprocessing.
  • Ensure that members are kept up-to-date with emerging legislation and information from the UK, Ireland, and internationally.
  • Identify the role of recycling and reprocessing within Government strategies, including climate change and waste.
  • Liaise with Government departments, other organisations, relevant bodies and regulators working within the recycling and reprocessing sector.
  • Provide advice and guidance on environmental matters concerning recycling and reprocessing.
  • Co-operate with other CIWM technical and strategic groups and those within the wider industry with regard to information dissemination to avoid duplication of efforts.
  • Act as a resource of technical expertise to CIWM in relation to policy, legislation and practice on the subject of recycling and reprocessing.
Any CIWM member can engage with the Reprocess & Recycle Technical Community through the Connect Platform. CIWM encourages those that work in reprocessing and recycling sector as a regulator or policy lead and who wish to be part of this Technical Community to contact the Policy and Technical Team (

If you are interested in engaging with a Technical Community, click here and start a discussion or comment on a thread already there.

~ Waste Regulation and Legislation ~

The purpose of the Waste Regulation and Legislation Technical Community is to act as a forum for information exchange relating to legislation and regulation of the resource and waste management industry.

To achieve its aim the Technical Community will:

  • Ensure that members are kept up-to-date with emerging legislation in the UK, Ireland, and internationally, relating to all aspects of resource and waste management.
  • Share information on environmental matters concerning waste regulation.
  • Provide guidance and specify training requirements for better waste regulation as part of a process of continuous improvement for waste regulation professionals.
  • Respond where necessary to consultation documents issued by Government and International bodies relating to waste regulation.
  • Liaise with Government departments, regulators and other organisations working within the waste regulation sector.
  • Co-operate with other CIWM technical and strategic groups and those within the wider industry with regard to information dissemination to avoid duplication of efforts.
  • Act as a resource of technical expertise to CIWM in relation to policy, legislation and practice on the subject of waste regulation.
Any CIWM member can engage with the Waste Legislation & Regulation Technical Community through the Connect Platform. CIWM encourages those that work in waste regulation or legislation as a regulator or policy lead and who wish to be part of this Technical Community to contact the Policy and Technical Team (

If you are interested in engaging with a Technical Community, click here and start a discussion or comment on a thread already there.