What is the SWITCH Forum?

SWITCH (Scottish Waste Industry Training, Competency, Health & Safety) is a multi-partnership forum made up of organisations across all sectors within the resource
management industry.

The Forum has two main areas of focus:
• Health & Safety: Supporting continual
improvement in health and safety.
• Education, Training & Competence: Raising competence and helping to create opportunities for learning and workforce development .
The aim of the Forum is to provide leadership by working collaboratively to raise standards of health and safety, training, learning and development, and technical competence and to promote the Scottish resource
management industry as an attractive career choice.

For further information please contact secretary@switchforum.org.uk

Why get involved?

There are many good reasons to get involved with SWITCH. You will have access to information, your voice will be heard and with this input you can help to ensure the resource management sector in Scotland:

• Is a safe and healthy place to work;
• Actively supports education, training, learning and development;
• Increases workforce capacity and competence;
• Develops and shares good practice;
• Creates an industry that is attractive as a career choice; and
• Delivers clear career and learner pathways.

How to Get Involved -

The SWITCH Network is free to join for anyone working in the resource management sector. It is open to front-line, supervisory, and senior management level staff and to individuals or organisations with an interest in health and safety, education, training and competence.
As a member of the SWITCH network you will have easy access to health and safety guidance, case studies, articles and publications. Being part of this Network will give you some assistance in developing your workforce.

To register as a SWITCH Network member, please contact secretary@switchforum.org.uk


Useful Resources

These downloads can also be found on the Zero Waste Scotland website at switchforum.org.uk

- SWITCH Competence Framework & Assessment Tool

- SWITCH Presentation (PDF download) large file 8MB

- WISH Website

- SWITCH Article in CIWM Journal 

For further information please contact secretary@switchforum.org.uk

SWITCH ON.... to Events

WAMITAB - Developing skills for the future (Webinar)

27th January 2022
2pm - 3pm

Find out more

Past Events Presentations

Time to....SWITCH on - 17 Feb 2016 Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow

Charlie Devine - Chair of Executive Group

Duncan Simpson - Chair of Education, Training and Competency working group

Jim Brown - Chair of Health & Safety working group


SWITCH Governance

To find out more about the governance and the roles of the SWITCH ambassadors please click here

Contacting SWITCH

Email - switch@zerowastescotland.org.uk