At CIWM, our purpose is to move the world beyond waste. To deliver this, our mission is to unite, equip and mobilise our professional community to lead, influence and deliver the science, strategies, businesses and policies for the sustainable management of resources and waste. Together, we have the knowledge and expertise to innovate, drive change, protect our environment and secure a sustainable future. This must be our legacy.
“This strategy is incredibly ambitious. It has to be. Our sector has a vital role to play in ensuring we move the world beyond waste and the time for action is now. You, our members, sit at the heart of this journey. By leveraging your expertise, creativity and determination, we can move to a world which consumes sustainably, minimises waste, and lives in ways that protect the world’s environment and resources for future generations. CIWM must - and will - support you and raise the profile of our profession worldwide. Our bold strategy, created by members and Trustees, will achieve just that.” – Sarah Poulter, CEO of CIWM
Our new strategy is about clear, decisive steps to shape a future-ready, resilient organisation that enables our professional community to be at its best and ready to make our actions count.
It is centred around six themes that will enable our organisation to act as a vital change agent for the transition to a low-carbon circular economy.
Pioneering professional standards
We will continue to set and raise standards for professional excellence – maintaining our support for the development of effective, successful, and qualified professionals.
- Nurturing innovation
As the age of digitalisation changes our world with breath-taking speed, we will support our members and the global community by enabling and encouraging innovation.
- Advocating with an authoritative voice
Our status as the leading voice in the sector underpins our ability to advocate on behalf of our members, represent the interests of professionals, influence society’s approach to resource management, and promote the benefits of a circular economy.
- Enhancing engagement and connectivity
Resource efficiency is a global social responsibility. Our role is not only to inform and educate businesses, organisations, and individuals about that responsibility, but also to inspire and enable them to take action – worldwide.
- Cultivating communities of practice
We establish a culture and framework which encourages professional relationships to flourish and members to promote ideas, impart knowledge, share problems, suggest solutions, advocate best practice, and build personal networks that enhance their career opportunities.
- Leading through excellence
Achieving our purpose requires an effective, efficient and high-performing membership organisation, with financial strength and organisational resilience, which leads by example.
Our ambitious purpose and strategy have been created as a collaboration between members and Trustees. It is owned by all of us. Because, together, we have the knowledge, creativity and determination to move the world beyond waste.
Find out more about our six themes listed above in our full strategy document