Press Release
For immediate release

CIWM responds to UK Government's Simpler Recycling policy update

CIWM welcomes the latest announcement from the UK Government on Simpler Recycling and is encouraged to see some progress on this important policy. The announcement that regulations are due to be laid before Parliament is promising, however the lack of clarity on the final statutory guidance does not provide local authorities and waste collectors with the certainty they urgently need to enable the mobilisation we have all been waiting for and that has been on hold due to delays in Government.

The Government’s stance on residual collection is very disappointing. Not only is this out of kilter with strong evidence that supports the role of residual restrictions in reducing costs and increasing recycling, but it also works against the Government’s own stated aims on waste prevention. The fact that 80% of respondents to the consultation disagree with the idea of a fortnightly residual cap shows the strength of feeling the sector has on this issue and the Government simply has not listened. It is likely that producers will also be frustrated by this needless imposition on effective recycling services and barrier to maximising the capture of packaging. CIWM strongly urges the government to reverse this decision and allow local authorities to have the option of collecting residual waste on a three-weekly basis.

Lee Marshall, CIWM’s Director of Innovation and Technical Services, said: “Any progress on Simpler Recycling is welcome, and so another step forward is important. We hope that the relevant statutory instrument gets the Parliamentary time it needs so we can maintain momentum. Ideally, though, we need the detail of the statutory guidance for local authorities to have the clarity they require to help them in planning and implementing the changes that are needed. Clarification on what materials can be collected together is good and gives local authorities the freedom to choose the most appropriate and effective collection systems for their areas. The stance on restricting options of residual frequency is, however, baffling given the overwhelming evidence that exists about how restricting residual reduces costs and increases recycling. That is a point of contention and a missed opportunity to give local authorities a real behaviour change tool that is shown to increase recycling levels.”



About CIWM:
CIWM (the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management) is the leading professional body for the resource and waste management sector representing over 6,600 individuals in the UK, Ireland and overseas. Established in 1898 - and now in its 125th year - CIWM is a non-profit making organisation, dedicated to the promotion of professional competence amongst waste managers. CIWM seeks to raise standards for those working in and with the sector by producing best practice guidance, developing educational and training initiatives, and providing information on key waste-related issues.

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Press contact:
Austen Lees

T: 01923 608 360
M: 07773 813 210