South West Centre Open Meeting

South West Centre Open Meeting

‘Tackling the Global Waste Crisis’ 

A prestigious and highly topical event is taking place at Plymouth University on Thursday 8th February 2018 at which leading international waste management experts will present and debate all aspects of the global waste crisis. We’re honoured to have CIWM President David Wilson as key note speaker and we’ll consider what role we as individuals and CIWM can play in influencing Governments and finding practical solutions to the problems facing developing nations. The programme is set out below.
The event is open to all members and guests in the region and beyond and has been organised jointly by CIWM’s NMN Peninsular (Devon & Cornwall) Group and the SW Centre Council in collaboration with Plymouth University.
 9.30  - 10.00        Registration
10.00 - 10.05        Hannah Lawrie, CIWM SW Centre Council Vice Chair 
                               & Principal Consultant, Ricardo Energy & Environment: ‘
                               Welcome and Introduction’
10.05 - 10.30        Professor David Wilson MBE, CIWM President, Independent Consultant: 
                               ‘Tackling the Global Waste Crisis – Extending solid waste management
                               services in middle- and low-income countries’
10.30 - 10.55        Andy Whiteman, Director, RWA Group : 
                               ‘Introducing the Nine Development Bands (9-DBs) Concept 
                               of solid waste management systems around the world’
10.55 - 11.20        Mike Webster, Chief Executive, Waste Aid:
                               ‘Waste management in lower-income countries - 
                               getting the rubbish collected when there is no binman…’
11.20 - 11.40        Refreshment Break
11.40 - 12.05        Dave Lerpiniere, Principal Consultant, Resource Futures: 
                               ‘Waste management in middle-income countries ’
12.05 - 12.30        Paul Frith, Director, Frith Resource Management: 
‘Waste management in higher-income countries – 
                                getting policy, systems and technology aligned for resource efficiency’
12.30 - 13.30        Panel Discussion 
                               Chaired by Professor David Wilson:
                               ‘How best can the UK contribute to tackling the Global waste crisis?’
13:30 - 14:30        Lunch & Networking 

We’re grateful to MVV Environment Devonport Ltd the operators of the Devonport EfW CHP Facility for kindly sponsoring the event.

CIWM Members - £20
Students, Unwaged, Retired - £10
Non-Members - £30

Plymouth Railway Station is a 10 minute walk. Please note there is no on site parking at the University.

Please ensure you go to your Cart to check out after you have Registered.
08/02/2018 09:30 - 14:30
University of Plymouth Scott Building (Room 1) Plymouth PL4 8AA United Kingdom

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