The North East Centre is run by members on a voluntary basis who organise an extensive programme of technical meetings, site visits, symposia and social events. It provides a forum for professional debate and the opportunity for members to meet and socialise through a strong network of professionals. North East Members automatically become a member of the North East Centre when they join the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management.

Find out more about the North East Centre here.

Centre Areas

  • Cleveland
  • Durham
  • Humberside
  • North Yorkshire
  • Northumberland
  • South Yorkshire
  • Tyne & Wear
  • West Yorkshire


  Follow us @CIWMNE 


Contact Us

For further advice and information on CIWM North East please contact

Centre Chair
Stephen Robinson FCIWM, CENV

Centre Secretary & PDN Representative 
Lisbeth Baxter, MCIWM

Members' Council Representative
Rachel Stewart CRWM, MCIWM

Become a member 

To Access Member Only Content from the North East Centre:

Contact Centre Councilors
Meeting Presentations

Centre Events

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