Compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015
CIWM is a company incorporated by Royal Charter, a registered charity and an Awarding Organisation and End Point Assessment Organisation. CIWM Enterprises Ltd is a wholly owned trading arm of CIWM. This statement applies to both CIWM and its subsidiaries.
The combined turnover of CIWM is below the statutory threshold (£36m) for reporting under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (‘the Act’). However, the Trustees of CIWM are committed to ensuring that CIWM adopts high standards in all its governance and related activities and so have adopted this statement of policy on compliance with the Act.
CIWM is the professional body for people working in the waste and resources management sector in the UK and abroad and the leading qualification provider in the sector. Our charitable objects are:
“to advance for the public benefit the art and science of wastes management worldwide and so to promote education, the protection of public health and the preservation of the environment, and for that purpose to further promote and maintain good standards of practice, competence and conduct by all its members"
As well as membership services and qualifications, we also provide training courses, seminars and events, author and produce publications, and support our charitable aims through income driven through these activities. As part of carrying out these activities we use a variety of contractors and suppliers including trainers, assessors, printers, venues, temporary staff, consultants and software providers.
The CIWM Group wholeheartedly supports the aims of the Modern Slavery Act and will not accept modern slavery in its business or its supply chains.
We keep this matter under review and consider it when supplier or contractor contracts come up for negotiation; currently none of our activities are considered as an area of high risk. As part of this review process we are currently updating our internal controls processes regarding selection and assessment of suppliers. We expect this piece of work to be completed in early 2024.
Last updated: August 2023. Next update due: April 2024