Advanced Course Details
As well as containing the same content as the Foundation certificate, the Advanced course includes three additional sessions. Every organisation has a different way of dealing with their waste based on the type and amount that is produced, and the Advanced option is aimed at delegates whose role deals predominantly with the management of wastes within their business, and whose decisions have the ability to influence a significant level of change within company policy and routine.
The Advanced course consists of 8 sessions:
Waste as a resource
Identifying different types of wastes and their legal definition, and exploring the idea that wastes can be a resource with a potential value
The environmental impact of waste
Explores how unsustainable our reliance on virgin materials is, and considers what we do with our wastes and how this can impact on the environment
The cost of managing waste
Explains the hidden costs of managing wastes and the real cost of waste disposal
Understanding and applying the Waste Hierarchy
This session will assist delegates on how they can use the Waste Hierarchy to identify different options for managing wastes within the workplace
Legislation and ensuring compliance
Gives a fundamental understanding of the different legislation and legal duties that apply to anyone handing waste as part of their job
How to identify opportunities to reduce waste in the workplace
Gives a clear understanding of how to plan and carry out a basic waste audit
Managing resources and wastes in the workplace
Identifying and planning improvements that will come as a result of the waste audit findings
How to demonstrate improvements
Understand how to monitor and evaluate your waste as part of a long-term strategy, and why this is important for continued efficiency and sustainability
Each course concludes with a short assignment based on applying knowledge from the course in a given case study to draw out each delegate's understanding of legal compliance, applying the waste hierarchy and implementing and monitoring improvements.
WasteSmart Bridging Module
Any delegate that has completed and passed the Foundation level of WasteSmart will be able to undertake a Bridging Module to Advanced without having to complete the Foundation content again.