Approved for CPD - Training

CIWM can approve training programmes for CPD purposes where there is no formal assessment required to pass the course and obtain a certificate. These courses can be awarded 'Approved for CPD' status, rather than 'Accredited'.


Applicants must first submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) form to the Education and Training department of CIWM outlining the basic details of the course. One EOI form must be completed for each course. CIWM will make a judgement based upon this application to determine if CIWM approval would be appropriate and an estimate of how much work this would involve. CIWM will endeavour to respond within five working days with a quote for undertaking a full approval and an estimated timescale. The applicant is under no obligation to progress the application any further if they do not wish to do so.


If the applicant wishes to continue with their application, they are required to submit the completed application form, which can be obtained from the Education and Training department, along with a purchase order number for payment of the full amount and copies of all the supporting materials (preferably in electronic format).

Approval of courses will be conducted via a desk based exercise based on the information submitted (if more information is required it will be requested). Applicants are expected to provide an electronic copy of the application form and supporting information. Technical experts will be consulted where necessary, and, provided the course meets the required standard it will be approved for a set period of time (approval period will be dependent upon material and topic).

CIWM reserves the right to refuse approval after a full review of all the course materials if the judging panel feels this is necessary, and no refund of the accreditation fee will be offered.

Each year a selected number of approved courses will receive a Quality Assurance visit from a member of CIWM. The course provider will be expected to provide an 'observer' place on the course free of charge. This Quality Assurance visit will ensure that the material delivered is in line with the information provided on the initial application, and that updates have occurred where necessary. The tutors and deliverers will also be assessed to ensure that they have the knowledge and training skills required to deliver the course. A copy of the assessment form will be available before the visit, if requested.

Once the approval period has expired, or if substantial changes are being made, courses are required to apply for re-approval. It is expected that minor updates will occur each time a course is run, and these therefore do not warrant re-approval. For further guidance on what is deemed a 'substantial change', please contact CIWM.


Approved programmes will be provided with the 'CIWM Approved for CPD' logo and form of words that they will be able to use on any material related to the programme. CIWM will list the course details on the Accredited Courses  page, which is accessible by all visitors to the website, and provide a link to the course website. When requests for information on approved programmes are received by members of the CIWM Education and Training Department, those courses that have been approved will be made known to the inquirer, and their approved status highlighted.
