Making compliance data returns easier: Environment Agency seeks engagement from landfill operators

21 August 2015

The Environment Agency is developing a digital solution to make it easier for regulated operators to submit their compliance data. A simple prototype has been created and the Agency wants to gather user feedback so iterative improvements can be made to create a system which works for their customers.

The Agency would like to invite landfill operators who submit emissions compliance and /or pollution inventory data in any format, to get involved. Feedback will be gathered in a variety of ways according to operators' availability, including providing links to the prototype and telephone interviews, face to face interviews or invitation to group feedback session.

This is a great opportunity to influence what the Environment Agency is doing and help create a system that works for your organisation. The Agency is interested in engaging with a cross section of landfill operators, with different levels of digital ability. This type of digital development moves rapidly, so if those wishing to be involved should get in touch as soon as possible by emailing name, address and contact details to:


Notes to Editors:

1. The Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) is the leading professional body for the waste management sector representing over 6000 individuals in the UK and overseas. Established in 1898, CIWM is a non profit-making organisation, dedicated to the promotion of professional competence amongst waste managers. CIWM seeks to raise standards for those working in and with the sector by producing best practice guidance, developing educational and training initiatives, and providing information on key waste-related issues. Comprehensive information about CIWM can be found at

Press contact:
Pat Jennings
Head of Policy & Communications
Tel: 01604 620426
Mob: 07912 228260
