As the industry increases its professionalism and commercialism, organisations looking to retain a competitive difference are turning to their workforce. To the Operations Director or HR Director, the value of a qualified workforce who maintain competency and professional development provide an inherent value; not only producing innovative leaders for the future but also widening the remit across the organisation so that everyone’s role includes waste and resource management.
Classification of Hazardous Waste Undertaking a Waste Audit Intro to the management of waste Duty of Care
The Waste Management System Waste Management Technology, Engineering and Operation Management and Administration Related Wastes Management Subjects
Edoc Equal Waste Expert
Research into the issues, risks and prevention of people sleeping in waste containers - February 2014 Classification of Waste - A Report - Feb 2010 Health & Safety Scoping Study 2007
CIWM Response: Waste Classification and Assessment - Technical Guidance WM3 Consultation - January 2015 Health & Safety Scoping Study 2007
SIG Update: Health and Safety
Professional Qualifications Resourcing the Future Awards
Landfill bans Environment Agency on prevention of fires Tackling the issue