Roger Perry Award for Best Research Paper

This Roger Perry Award for Best Research Paper is designed to recognise the research being carried out by members of the Institution at Masters and PhD level, which is not necessarily published in formal peer reviewed journals.

The award is presented annually to the best written paper based on a research project resulting from work done during the course of an MSc, MPhil or PhD course of study at a recognised UK university. The paper should be on a topic related to wastes and/or secondary resources management or related topics.

It is usual that entries for this award will be from a thesis or dissertation, however interim findings are also acceptable. It is unlikely that entries will be a piece of module coursework, unless new conclusions have been drawn.

The student author must be a member of CIWM (but can hold any class of membership).

Completed entries should be sent to the Education & Training Department at CIWM by 1st September 2017, either by post to CIWM, 9 Saxon Court, St Peters Gardens, Northampton, NN1 1SX; or (preferably) e-mail

Download the application form

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Entries for 2017 have now closed